Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What makes you think you want what you want?

The story is told how a young man asked Socrates how he could get wisdom...

"Come with me," Socrates replied.  He took the lad to the river and shoved his head underwater.  He held it there until the boy struggled for air.  Then he let him go.  
Once the boy regained his composure, Socrates asked him, "What did you desire most when your head was underwater?"
"I wanted air," the boy told him.
Socrates nodded slowly.  "When you want wisdom as much as you wanted air when you were immersed in the water," he said, "you will receive it."
In the same way, when you have a clear cut goal in your life or you want to overcome a mental block that has been getting the best of you and defeating you at times, think of how much you want to overcome such a block to acquire the goals you have set for yourself!

Oftentimes, I run into people who want something specific, so they think, and then what happens?  There's a price they have to pay to get it.  A big price.  Success is a funny thing, before achieving it, you have to pay for it upfront in full before receiving 100% of the benefits of it.  Notice I said 100% of the benefits?  NOT 90% of the benefits otherwise it's called something else like almost success!  


1.  Figure out what you want
2. Why do you want what you want?
3. What do you have to do in order to get what you want?
4. What is going to ensure that you are really going to get what you want?

It is in our nature to succeed!

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