Monday, June 9, 2008

Questions Drive our Behavior

When coaching people, I tell them often, I know no answers!!!!  I tell them, that they know all of the answers and I am merely an instrument for them to access the answers that they are looking for in their lives.  The best way for my clients to come up with an answer is for me to ask them a powerful set of questions.   The cycle of coaching is really quite simple:  I ask a question, my client answers!!  It's through their answers where the results occur.

The cycle is simple and the timing of the particular questions  is where the magic happens!  Take a look at a given day and evaluate the questions that are being asked of you.  Typically people ask questions to look for their answers.  If someone whom you know is looking for the salt, they ask, you answer!!!!

What if someone is asking you a question for you?  For your own good?  For your distinction?  For your destiny?  For your infinite possibilities?  For you to get better?

Although, where's the salt? is a valid question as well as, Do you need a ride to work? as well as, Did you pick up the copies?  as well as, Are you going to the birthday party? as well as, any other question that is as stiff and normal as possible. These are all necessary questions that must be answered.  But... where's the magic? 

What if you, just for today, really asked compelling questions to those around you?  What would those questions look like?  How much more in tuned would you be to the people in your life?  Where would it ultimately take the person you are asking?  Would you compel fresh ideas in someone? Would you inspire bigger level thinking which would lead to bigger results? Would you enrich the lives around you in far greater ways that you have ever possibly imagined?  


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