Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Walking through a new door!

Okay... on this day I am going to address the power of correcting what you just said to someone.  I am finding a trend these days and I'm not liking the finding!  I am finding in our fast paced world we live in, that people are not giving their quality time to people who deserve it the most and they are saying things that they may regret later!!

In this, fast paced,  "can I get it done now" world, we have cheapened our relationships with each other.  This is all of us I am speaking to, I promise!!

Yes, I know I like to keep things positive, but when things need to be addressed, they need to be addressed!

You see, it's like walking through a door and finding out your in the wrong room, how silly would it be to stay in that room if that is not where you want to be?  More than likely, you would take the time to find your destination and the appropriate room would soon be discovered!

Saying the wrong thing to someone is no different, when you are speaking to someone, how difficult is it to say, "hey I didn't mean to say that," or "I just said what I said and it didn't feel right about it." Seriously, how difficult is it to realize in that moment, that you can walk through a new door in the conversation and create a whole entirely different set of circumstances.  I know this sounds so elementary, but if this were not such an issue, we would have better lines of communication among each other and I would be addressing a whole different topic.

THE SOLUTION:  Think before you speak!!!!!!! and if for one reason or another, you say the wrong thing, walk through a new door in the conversation and start fresh.  

People are way too valuable to us and we must cherish every relationship that means something!

Live a great day and have meaningful conversations!


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