Monday, June 30, 2008


Of course when it comes to success strategies I probably have 2 dozen journals with notes from the best of the best in the business.  Having had the opportunity to see many powerful speakers live, read many amazing books and have consistently turned my car into a "university on wheels;"  I must say that I am always looking for extremely powerful concepts, ideas and strategies that I can take to my clients and bring to the forefront of our thinking.

I am going to introduce you to two gentlemen:  Mr. Byron Nelson and Mr. Daniel Gutierez this week, and the information that they teach.  

Keep in mind, I will share with you what they are known for teaching their audiences and if you ever have the opportunity to see these two gentlemen live, please pursue the opportunity.

They speak, complimenting each others own personal style by bringing many elements to the table that relate to the way we do business and should do business.

Their topics include powerful networking, leadership, and creating results.  As known across corporate America, Mr. Gutierez teaches audiences on the unlimited possibilities of standing out into the market place.  Mr. Nelson, has quite a following who seek his information out on a regular basis in the areas of leadership and networking.

Stay tuned this week and learn learn learn!!!!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Look at who you hang out with, that's who you are!!

Look around... who is surrounding you?  You are who you hang out with ya know!!!!  Some of you want know that this is true and some of you don't want to face such a thing.  This is the bottom line... if those around you are limited in their thinking or belief that they can make something happen, this doesn't mean you are, it just makes the pursuit for success, happiness, fulfillment, wealth and a plethora of other things a little tougher to grasp onto at times.

You see, as a man thinketh, so he becomes!!!  Thoughts are things and the actions that we take correlate directly with the thoughts that we have on a regular basis and therefore, we are ultimately creating the results we are looking for out of life or NOT.

The reason that the people surrounding us are so crucial, it is all about their thoughts and their mindset which can help us or hurt us!  We previously discussed attitude and touched on this. What about the attitudes of those around us? ACTION STRATEGY: I make it real simple, if there is someone in my life who is a complainer, is negative, has an attitude issue, I simply tell them once and also warn them that I will disappear from regular communication with them because they have become extremely unattractive as a person.  Now, if they want help and they are coachable to new ideas and concepts, that is a different story.  I definitely will not participate in the rotten apple game.  We all have rotten apples in our lives, and these people may be great people yet they are not great for us to  be around for some funny reason!

So, this may sound bold, yet it may be time to clean out the fruit bowl!!!

Live Extraordinarily with Extraordinary People!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Get Noticed!!

I am thrilled to announce that Jill Lublin as I mentioned yesterday, PR guru, has come out with her 3rd book GET NOTICED!

I must say that all of you who understand the power of PR will truly appreciate Jill's book and find it incredibly beneficial!!

What are you doing to get noticed in the marketplace?

How is your current activity playing a role in your success on a short-term and a long-term level?

Are you raising your standards and expectations of yourself on a regular basis and are those around you doing the same?

Something to think about...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Advertising you pay for Publicity you pray for"

Jill Lublin is one of my dear PR mentors.  She has taught for over several years, the art of powerful publicity.  Publicity is paramount and Jill has a way of sharing such strategies in such a simple form.  There are certainly some basic tactics that warrant fabulous PR moves vs. not so fabulous PR moves, I think we would all agree that if we don't take personal responsibility for our own PR we might end up in a very big sea as a drowning guppy!

PR rules:

Get visible- find a way for people to know about you through publications, BLOGS, events, books, and anything else that puts you in a light as an expert or someone special.

Speak in Sound Bytes- learn what I call the "elevator speech" and pursue your conversations with the intention of offering small sound bytes so people will remember who you are, what you're about and what benefit you have to them!

Create the ooh ahh factor- find ways to make people say "ooh ahh" about you, your product or your service that you offer.  Create and find new fresh ways and stick with the plan to have people interested in what you are about.

Again, I must credit Jill Lublin for the years of PR training which has made my life so much easier in a game that can be a little vicious at times, to say the least!


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Uncertain Times = Opportunity"

How many times a day do you hear about the price of gas?  How often are we bombarded by the news with the fatalities and natural disasters... and the high price of gas?  I am sure you get my point!!
What's the flip side to all of this?  Yes, the flip side is to get real with what is most important in life and to fear nothing.  Don't you see why?  Because at any time now, we could be faced with a very bleak situation, (apparently)!
The times that we are facing now make me want to not only make a difference but be the difference!
Always remember this lesson: In uncertain times, certainty matters, and those who are most certain make different life decisions that will change their destiny for the better!
Have the belief that in uncertain circumstances, you can create phenomenal opportunities for yourself and those around you!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Attitude is Everything!!!

I had an interesting experience last week... I was on an airplane en route from Las Vegas to Los Angeles and met a very interesting person sitting right next to me on the airplane.  So I am on the plane and after sitting for 2 minutes, I realized I left one of my phones outside of the plane, so I thought to immediately tell the flight attendant and the person next to me that I thought I left my phone in a seat, out in the airport by check-in.  The attendant was so kind and told me to hurry, get out, and check for my phone.  The person next to me was equally as kind to watch my briefcase and I was so focused on my prized possession of a phone that I ran out looked for it and guess what?  It was not there!!!!  Well, while coming back in to enter the airplane, I realized why I actually do have two phones, TO CALL MYSELF JUST IN CASE I LOST ONE! My briefcase watcher heard my phone ring and knew that I would be back in no time, happy as a lark and en route to LA with no issue!!!!!  Sure enough, I found my phone hidden in the depths of the bottom of my briefcase and it was hiding so well, I had to call it 3 times just to find it in my briefcase!!  Some of you reading, can truly understand this potentially traumatic experience!

Okay, so after I settled in, I had brief conversation with the individual next to me and we started talking about speaking and backgrounds, shows etc.  I knew something was different about this person and it was, I was sitting next to Mr. Dannion Brinkley, and those of you who do not know of this person please look him up and read up on him.  This gentleman is one of the most interesting people whom I've ever met!!  Could it be that he has an incredible story about his life that will blow people away and based on his story he wrote a NY Times bestseller, created a show, and a movie titled Saved By the Light?  He has a another book THE SECRETS OF THE LIGHT.  

Keep in mind, this man has had two near death experiences, and as I was speaking with him and learning at the same time,  truly realized that he sees a different life than most.  He had the best ATTITUDE!!!  He spoke of his beautiful wife Kathryn and his 5 beautiful girls along with other things he spoke of.  Yet there is one very strong characteristic I picked up on and that was his "realistic optimism" as I like to call it.

He shared such insight with me, I took mental notes and felt like I was back in college taking one of the most interesting courses!  We further conversed and talked show concepts and ideas that were prize winning concepts that have compelled me to execute one of my specific goals in my life a bit more strategically.

Now, after my personal growth course on the airplane and my life lessons that will basically take me from point a to point h not just b, what surfaced is why Mr. Brinkley even bothered to talk with me at such length!!! He said it was the "real" person who showed up when she lost her phone!!!!

Something to think about!!!!!

please visit and google : dannion brinkley

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Networking 101"

This entire week is devoted to networking!  I don' mean go to the night club and have a few, get a few names and there you have it, you've networked!!

Networking is very serious business and if you master the art of powerful networking you will increase your database and your net worth.

For starters, here are a few tips on networking:

1.  Know your outcome:  Why are you networking?  What benefit will other powerful people in your database do for you?

2.  Are you coming from a place of confidence or desperation when meeting people?

3.  Are you in the right stated of mind to effectively network with top notch people?

Hopefully this offers insight on the beginning of your networking journey!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Today... be a bit different and experience something new

Think beyond what others believe is impossible

Get a clear picture of what you want to see happen for yourself and GO FOR IT!!!

Live today!

This is in memory and in dedication of Graham Kahr's Grandfather who now blesses his family in spirit!

Tammy Lier

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Video of the Week

Walking through a new door!

Okay... on this day I am going to address the power of correcting what you just said to someone.  I am finding a trend these days and I'm not liking the finding!  I am finding in our fast paced world we live in, that people are not giving their quality time to people who deserve it the most and they are saying things that they may regret later!!

In this, fast paced,  "can I get it done now" world, we have cheapened our relationships with each other.  This is all of us I am speaking to, I promise!!

Yes, I know I like to keep things positive, but when things need to be addressed, they need to be addressed!

You see, it's like walking through a door and finding out your in the wrong room, how silly would it be to stay in that room if that is not where you want to be?  More than likely, you would take the time to find your destination and the appropriate room would soon be discovered!

Saying the wrong thing to someone is no different, when you are speaking to someone, how difficult is it to say, "hey I didn't mean to say that," or "I just said what I said and it didn't feel right about it." Seriously, how difficult is it to realize in that moment, that you can walk through a new door in the conversation and create a whole entirely different set of circumstances.  I know this sounds so elementary, but if this were not such an issue, we would have better lines of communication among each other and I would be addressing a whole different topic.

THE SOLUTION:  Think before you speak!!!!!!! and if for one reason or another, you say the wrong thing, walk through a new door in the conversation and start fresh.  

People are way too valuable to us and we must cherish every relationship that means something!

Live a great day and have meaningful conversations!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What makes you think you want what you want?

The story is told how a young man asked Socrates how he could get wisdom...

"Come with me," Socrates replied.  He took the lad to the river and shoved his head underwater.  He held it there until the boy struggled for air.  Then he let him go.  
Once the boy regained his composure, Socrates asked him, "What did you desire most when your head was underwater?"
"I wanted air," the boy told him.
Socrates nodded slowly.  "When you want wisdom as much as you wanted air when you were immersed in the water," he said, "you will receive it."
In the same way, when you have a clear cut goal in your life or you want to overcome a mental block that has been getting the best of you and defeating you at times, think of how much you want to overcome such a block to acquire the goals you have set for yourself!

Oftentimes, I run into people who want something specific, so they think, and then what happens?  There's a price they have to pay to get it.  A big price.  Success is a funny thing, before achieving it, you have to pay for it upfront in full before receiving 100% of the benefits of it.  Notice I said 100% of the benefits?  NOT 90% of the benefits otherwise it's called something else like almost success!  


1.  Figure out what you want
2. Why do you want what you want?
3. What do you have to do in order to get what you want?
4. What is going to ensure that you are really going to get what you want?

It is in our nature to succeed!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Questions Drive our Behavior

When coaching people, I tell them often, I know no answers!!!!  I tell them, that they know all of the answers and I am merely an instrument for them to access the answers that they are looking for in their lives.  The best way for my clients to come up with an answer is for me to ask them a powerful set of questions.   The cycle of coaching is really quite simple:  I ask a question, my client answers!!  It's through their answers where the results occur.

The cycle is simple and the timing of the particular questions  is where the magic happens!  Take a look at a given day and evaluate the questions that are being asked of you.  Typically people ask questions to look for their answers.  If someone whom you know is looking for the salt, they ask, you answer!!!!

What if someone is asking you a question for you?  For your own good?  For your distinction?  For your destiny?  For your infinite possibilities?  For you to get better?

Although, where's the salt? is a valid question as well as, Do you need a ride to work? as well as, Did you pick up the copies?  as well as, Are you going to the birthday party? as well as, any other question that is as stiff and normal as possible. These are all necessary questions that must be answered.  But... where's the magic? 

What if you, just for today, really asked compelling questions to those around you?  What would those questions look like?  How much more in tuned would you be to the people in your life?  Where would it ultimately take the person you are asking?  Would you compel fresh ideas in someone? Would you inspire bigger level thinking which would lead to bigger results? Would you enrich the lives around you in far greater ways that you have ever possibly imagined?  


Sunday, June 8, 2008

the simple thing in life: love

Happy Sunday to all!  I must say that I am devoting Sundays to reflection and a closer look into what matters most, along with words of true inspiration.  I guess for the moment, I want to focus on what matters most.  What matters most are moments and moments are all we have. We have this shell that we sit inside called a body, and we have this feeling within called a spirit, and we have our minds, our very precious minds.  (You may be asking where I'm going with this and I must tell you to hang in here, I'm going somewhere).  

With all that we have, we make choices based on our desires, goals, needs, wants, and what we feel is appropriate for us to have at a given time in our lives.  Some chase things that they know are not achievable but that keeps life interesting.  I suppose what I am getting at this morning is quite simple, the bottom line is find something you love, and do it...

Find someone whom you love and tell them.  The most simple thing in life to do is to love! (Keep in mind you will only hear this mushy stuff on Sundays!!!!!  The rest of the week I am all business, but today is especially special and all who are reading this can feel me, I know).

Go about your day today with a single purpose and that is to extend yourself, change a life, make a difference and get that really cool feeling that makes you feel like you have purpose on this earth!!!  Drive and hunger is great but what you are driven by is PURPOSE!!  People and others create purpose for us and we are all creatures of purpose and habit.  Purpose is why we do the things that we do.

So go out today, and love purposefully those whom matter most in your life.  Be present to the dreams, goals and desires with an open heart and mind and simply come from a place of love! You will be amazed at what will occur for you, the feeling is PRICELESS!

Excerpt from my favorite book: (READ BELOW)

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis and one of the most important figures in psychology, said that unless the personality has love, it sickens and dies.  Love includes understanding, goodwill, and respect for the divinity in the other person.  The more love and goodwill you emanate and exude, the more come back to you.

If you puncture someone's ego and wound her estimate of herself, you cannot gain her goodwill.  Recognize that everyone wants to be loved and appreciated.  Everyone needs to feel important in the world.  Realize that the other person is conscious of her true worth.  Like yourself, she feels the dignity of being an expression of the one life-principle animating all people.  As you do this consciously and knowingly, you build up the other person, and she returns your love and goodwill.

Live today with heart and soul,


Saturday, June 7, 2008

The 5 C's To Creating Successful Business Relationships

In my business, as in any business, there are fundamentals to success. In theory, fundamentals are quite simple. Because we are all human, we tend to make some things a bit more technical than necessary. Keep things simple.

Over the course of a lifetime, one can meet many people and in a given week, meet people who could potentially serve as a valuable resource in business and in life. The keyword here is “potentially.” Make the most of the people you meet and truly maximize the potential of that relationship and its role in your life using the five C’s to building key relationships.

In another lifetime, I worked with a very influential gentleman by the name of Tony Robbins. I lived in 25 cities over a five year period, which gave me plenty of time to master the 5 C’s; in fact, I mastered one per year (slow learner). I learned a few specific things while being on the road and one specifically, was how to produce extreme results in a very short period of time. I had to find ways to learn large amounts of information and have that information sound second nature and not scripted. The keyword is “learned,” not “memorized.”

Making the initial contact and introduction can be a tumultuous process. I cannot help but make mention of one of my very intelligent clients, Graham Kahr, a well-known editorial director of a high-end publication. Graham has an outcome with everyone he connects with and it keeps any guesswork out of the connection process for him. He is in a fast-paced business, but the last thing he wants to do is lack sincerity. He puts himself in check before every phone call made. He asks himself what his outcome is. Keep in mind I said “outcome,” which can be as simple as getting a name or contact information. The key to connection is finding a sincere reason to pick up the phone or walk up to someone introduce yourself.

Create a reason to be nice and give someone a compliment without planning on personal gain. You don’t need an agenda to show praise to those around you.

In seminars, I love to ask the audience if they have ever come in contact with a taker - a taker of energy, a taker of dreams, or spirit. I learned a long time ago that we are not able to feel a certain way or cast blame on someone else unless we give consent for someone to make us feel a certain way. This is why the third “C” is so crucial. Creating contacts with the desire to contribute and give will attract the very best of people in your life. The takers will attract the takers and the givers will attract the givers. One of my clients, Olya Banchik, owns a high-end concierge dental practice and has a philosophy that she lives by - give to those who appreciate and find value in the power of giving. She has learned that this comes back twenty-fold. We attract who we are and this could not be more accurate in business.

Take the leap of faith. You have a product or service that is worth telling the world about, so go tell the world about it. Track those whom you know you want to connect with and meet up with them. I like to write out the top 20 things I’m uncomfortable with. These are the people that I may not know yet or I’m about to get to know. I’m ¾ through my list and I have to add more names to it. Quite frankly, this adds spice to life and pushes us in ways that are very powerful in order for us to grow at the highest level.

Schedule the next appointment, only if you want to. How many times have you scheduled an appointment with someone that you knew there was absolutely no connection? The ball is in your court.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Welcome To My Blog

Welcome to the Tammy Lier Blog. Here you will find upbeat and sensational tips for jumpstarting your career, relationships and your mind. Stay tuned.