Monday, July 21, 2008

"The unsung HERO: The Tech Guru"

Who is in your back pocket? Besides an old piece of gum!!  This is the bottom line, in this very technologically savvy world that we are living in, it is a given to simply know how to email someone, and FYI, that is not considered high tech, just in case you were wondering.

Today we are giving credit where it is due!! Yes, I like to call him/her the almighty "technology guru"

Yes. Finally.  Let's be honest, without my Tech Guru in my back pocket, my photos, documents, marketing pieces,  blogs and innovative ideas would be all in my fantastic mind!!! And this does us no good!

I am serious about this, we are in an age of information times 100 and more than ever, we need to be able to access such information.

So, here are some pointers to look for in your "Tech Guru"

1.  Make sure they are far smarter than you in every way as it pertains to anything dealing with a computer and the great things that it can do.  (don't be threatened by their big brains, they are far more diligent than most and we want to recognize such a thing)

2.  If they come up to you with a bright idea, daily, than they are "in" and this means they have a pulse on what is going on in the world.

3.  Make sure they have the ability to create communication with many worlds, not just their industry but your industry and your competitors industry.


1.  Do not insult their intelligence by asking them to google something, they love google and have more than likely "mega-googled" before you could even finish your sentence or question.

2.  Praise them for their bright ideas-not that they really care about your praise, they just want to make sure that you are paying attention to the large amounts of information that they are throwing your way.  If you don't pay attention, they will dump you for someone who knows how to give credit where it is due!

3.  Utilize their ideas- look they have made your life easier and they know it.  Use their ideas sooner than later or their ideas will already be outdated and then they will fish around for more in the sea of technology.  They don't mind of course, but please don't let bright ideas pass you by!

So, to all of our "Technology Guru's" you are truly appreciated!!


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