Thursday, April 9, 2009

"Mastering Your Make-up/ back to the basics" by RAIN

I read this article and found it quite interesting, written by Rain. I do want to make a correction from the most recent blog. Rain was born Rainbow not Raindrop as I had previously mentioned. What is quite funny about this whole thing, is that she has her signature raindrop that represents her company and I suppose this is what flashed through my brain when I was describing her.

read on...

Mastering Your Make-Up and getting back to the basics

With the evolution of time, everything else seems to have evolved, including our Make-up. One thing for sure has not changed however, and that is our needs. Clearly, we have different needs at different stages depending on our skin type, color tone, and all things considered. Our needs are very basic if we really think about it. Here are 3 basics that may offer fresh perspective when focusing on your make-up needs:

1. Confidence: This is paramount! Regardless of the type of make-up you use and how much you wear, it is irrelevant if your confidence about your product, how to use it, and yourself is not in tact. I realized this early on, when my husband Alfredo and I ran our photo studio. Here we had the most beautiful people inside and out walk in to get photographed, we made them glamorous and "camera ready" to be photographed, and BLAH!! I really mean this. Alfredo and I then found ourselves giving quick pep talks, before our models were to get photographed. They looked great but they didn't believe it within and some of them were lacking the confidence. We made a deduction... and that is confidence is the best tool that cannot be bought, it must either be innate or adopted. A little bit of confidence goes a long way!!!!

2. Know Your Tools: There are several tools that you can utilize that truly make your life easier such as, brushes, color palates, sponges, powder puffs, Q-tips etc. Take the time to learn about what these essentials can do for you and this will allow you to create optimal results. There are basic fundamental ways of application utilizing all of these tools and this will truly make you feel like a professional after learning a few tips.

3. Less Is More!! Know when to use colors and when to not use colors!!! How many times have you applied your make-up, thinking more of this or that is better, and then soon realized that this is so untrue? Your face is the world's window into you and who you are. Let's not get misinterpreted by applying a little too heavy. At our school "The Make-up Artist School by Rain" we offer a full range of education for the budding artist to the everyday individual who wants to learn the basics. One thing we consistently teach is that for your individual look, a natural you is quite effective.

If you master thse basics, you will find that your personal cosmetic needs will be much easier and much more effective!!

Founder Creator Rain Cosmetics

I am confident that those of you who read this, have a much better perspective on things as it pertains to making the most of your make-up!!

go to to learn more about this wonderful line!!!

Until tomorrow, enjoy today!!!

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